Sarasota Judgment Collection Service

Sigma Recovery Group/Judgment Collection and Enforcement in Sarasota, Florida

Florida exemption for Judgment debtors
Collecting on a money judgment, however, is often more challenging than obtaining the judgment collect the judgment should be made.
In Florida, since the state statutes provide unlimited protection to homesteaded property so long as the property occupies no more than ½ acre (2,000 m²) within a municipality, or 160 acres (650,000 m²) outside of a municipality, and provides near total protections for the cash value of life insurance policies and annuities like 401k. Nevertheless, unless the judgment creditor is certain that a judgment debtor is “judgment proof”, i.e., insolvent, has no assets, including real or personal property, or is protected by laws that exclude wages from being used to satisfy a claim, an attempt to

 Based on all of the protection that a debtor has in Florida, it is important to consider having your Sarasota,Fl Judgment enforced by a firm like Sigma Recovery Group. Knowledge in the laws and civil procedures are key in enforcement of a monetary judgment. Call SRG today for a free consultation of your judgment matter.


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