Our group of Judgment Recovery Specialist, will diligently work to enforce and recover your money.

This relieves you from the tedious work and stress of dealing with the Debtor.

Civil Procedure at our disposal

We are able to execute personal/real property seizures, bank levy, wage garnishments, request financial information under oath.

Welcome to Sigma Recovery Group.

Unfortunately, nearly 80% of all judgments are never recovered, your judgment may have been awarded by the court, but enforcement is completely your responsibility. The collection process involves hours of research and trips to the courthouse. SRG has the resources, expertise, and determination to enforce the judgment collection you worked so hard to obtain. We conduct a thorough assestment in order to execute whichever steps are necessary for enforcement! We garnish their wages, levy their bank accounts and seize their assets! Whatever is necessary to collect your money and at absolutely No Risk to you. … We enforce judgments whether you are an individual, private business or corporation. We are not attorneys ourselves, but are Judgment Recovery professionals! Sigma Recovery collects and enforces Judgments in Florida and Nationwide.

The Strongest Asset Protection Laws in the US

The Strongest Asset Protection Laws in the US: Asset protection used to be easy. If you got in trouble, you’d just move to Florida, buy some property there, and then declare bankruptcy. Read more..